Friday, 7 April 2017


We have been enjoying our new inquiry on space. Our students have been asking a lot of fascinating questions, and we have had a lot of fun trying to find out the answers. Here are a few questions we've had...

"How many stars are in space?"
"Which planet orbits the sun faster? Mercury or Jupiter?"
"Why is the sun so hot?"
"What is a rover?"
"Why is Earth the only planet with living things?"

To help learn more about the planets, we created a solar system. We used real pictures of the planets as a guide to paint our own version, and then used toilet paper squares to see which planets were closest and furthest from the sun.

We also borrowed a model of a space shuttle from our school library to help us learn more about the different parts, so we could begin to recreate out own. We learned all about how they launch into space and how the rocket and the shuttle separate. 

We even have our very own space command station and space shuttle, where students pretend to be astronauts and travel in space!